Bratislava -Krakow


         Once more , I had discovered the cheapest way to reach out the mid of Europe for a while.. at least, if I don't count the transfer cost to Krakow from Bratislava. The  round trip flight cost to the Bratislava airport from the  Dalaman airport was just 48 euro. Everything is good until here. 
           The plane of Ryanair launded at the Bratislava Letisko Airport toward midnight in 20th of October 2023. No bus in this hours to Krakow. I had to spent the night on the chairs of Letisko Bratislava. 

I had booked the bus ticket to Krakow in the Flixbus firm.I had time until afternoon on saturday in Bratislava. I left Letisko Airport very early by public bus 60 numero to go to the city center of Bratislava. Already the intercity bus terminal is in the Nivy center where is in the city center of Bratislava. 

The Nivy Tower is one of shopping centers in Bratislava . The intercity buses terminals is placed under floor of shopping. Quite modern, clean, usefull..also you can use free wi-fi there.

           It was cloudy in my first day in Bratislava. I couldn't see sunlight .. It must be normal  air condition in the mid of Europe..
 Who wander  outside one  saturday of winter season? Nobody..I browsed the navigation to find the Blue Church. It is marked as an attraction place in the list that to visit by websites. It was not far away from the Nivy Center.

          The surprising thing for me that was a student group were listening to their classroom friend's explanations about the Blue Church  while under  the supervision the teacher there. Probably in my imagination,  I couldn't match the cold weather to the students' lesson. We wouldn't prefer to stay at the cold outside while listening to lesson by teacher. When Slovakian teachers can find nice temperature for teaching the city heritage to students? Their works is a little bit hard.. 
I am a tourist and have a limited time . Therefore I don't have so much opportunity for matching between nice weather conditions and to visit city sightseeing. I don't like to do selfie see the cause of ..

Bratislava city is situated on the bank of Danube river. I saw a lot of bridges that connecting two side of river  each other  although I couldn't discover the sidewalk along river. Stary Most, Most SNP, Most Apollo.. Most SNP -Most Slovenského národného povstania-The Slovak National Uprising Bridge. It has a restaurant and UFO observation point  top on. According to I read it is the lenghest bridge in Europe that has only one pylon...

Bratislava  is not one of  cities that you will be force to finding touristical figures. One of them is Schone Naci , another one of them is Cumil. 
According to I read on the internet, Schone Naci (real name Ignac Lamar, he lived 1897-1967) was a son of shoemaker and grandson of famous clown. He was inspired by the latter's example. He walked around the Old town and greeting women with the words, " I kiss your hand" in German, Hungarian and Slovak.

             The second stop to see the enjoyable character was "Cumil" in Bratislava.You may encounter "Cumil" bronze sculpture in an intersection two streets while getting around  the close distance to the Old town in Bratislava. This bronze statue doesn't portray any particular person. As far as I read on the internet this is fiction character created by artist Viktor Hulik,1997. But, I couldn't find any information in the official website of Viktor Hulik. I don't know how much you can confident the knowledge of internet! 
            As for what Cumil does.. Here, there are so many legends..

Bratislava does not consist from a few sculptures..undoubtedly.  I had limited time before departure of the bus to Krakow. I left Bratislava to go to Krakow. I will arrive to the city center of Krakow evening in 21th of October 2023. 

Why I wanted to visit Krakow? I had watched a lot of documentair programs in television until to buy plane ticket by the Ryanair to go to Bratislava.One of them was "Europe From Above" When you observe nature from above you may like it than normal view. I too was effected  . Krakow was seeming incredible beautiful city in this kind tv program. I had wanted to see Krakow.. That's all..

I placed at the apartmen of "Anna".  Anna's apartment consisted a few rooms that have shared common bathroom, kitchen. No towel, no cleaning materials.   Relatively not far from old town, but had not balance between  price and comforts features. I paid 55 Euros for two nights. The first night, I immediately rebook an apartment in the website of Booking Com. But, I had to stay at the apartment of "Anna"  due to advance payment for two night . 

22th of December 2023. The first day in Krakow. It was slight rain while going to old town. Krakow is one of beautiful, old cities of the central Europe. Krakow situated at the bank of Vistula river in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship   and dates back seventh century. Krakow was a capital of Poland until 1596 and is the second largest city.

Rynek Glowny a main square in the heart of Krakow . Cloth hall situated there. Cloth hall was a met point of merchant once upon a time . This complex was built in the renaissance period, 15th century.  it was a source the variety of exotic import from the east -spices, silk, wax - while  itself exported  salt, textiles.

Saint Mary's Basilica is the east side of Rynek Glowny .. It is brick gothic churc and dates 14th century .
On every hour a trampet signal played from the top on the taller tower of Saint Mary's two tower. According to I read, trampet sound is  commemorate of a trumper that  was shot his from throat before attack mongols in 13th century

Adam Mickiewicz monument in the Rynek Glowny.. The four figures which situated the base of Adam Mickiewicz monument are symbols of motherland, poem, valor and science. 
         He was an important poet and political activist in Poland. As far as I read he never lived in Krakow. There was an important detail about Adam Mickiewicz. He died in 1855, probably of cholera in Istanbul where had gone to help to organize the Poland  forces to fight Russians in the Crimean war.  There is a museum house in Beyoğlu, Istanbul where he lived..

        Nowadays, there are so many small souvenir shops inside of the Cloth hall .

One of building in Krakow that I liked..The massive effect was remarkable for me. Tall columns surround the building from every front.I don't know what is it the function of this building .
Looking at the Wawel castle from on the bridge on  Vistula river.. According to I read, Wawel Castle is an iconic  complex in Krakow that was operated as a primary royal residence for monarch from the 11th to the 17th century, in Poland. You can find much more amazing photos of Wawel Castle in the internet. They create attractive illusion that you feel the need to visit to Krakow! That's of them at the beneath!

The Wawel Royal Castle is in the left bank of Vistula river . I only looked to  this Castle from distance bridge on the  river without visiting. The Vistula river and the Castle seemed amazing. The Vistula  is the longest river in Poland and more than lenght 1000km. 

I encountered the Church of St. Joseph while trying to find the factory of Schindler. It is located in the south - central of city, in the Podgorze district. Although it seem old construction it started to build in 1905. It is belong to catholics sect.. 

                        The woodworks  in the church was amazing. 

The queue that seeing on the left was for entering the Schindler Factory Museum.  Although rain and wind visitors continued to waiting in front of museum entrance.

This point was a place that I wanted to visit . I think was not  just me that motivated by director Steven Spielberg movie " Schindler's List (1993)" . 
I had expected to see authentic materials that remained in the enamel factory of Schindler. My expectations were in vain.
Except a few devices of factory, I saw only the photos of period WWII inside and  jews photos who worked in the Schindler's factory and survived. 

I took a time stamp card as a reminder. The final card back dates  January 18th, 1945, then German occupation was ended by the Soviet army.

I encountered a butcher store in very close distance to my accommodation apartment which owner was a Turk. He seemed  happy to being here...
I bought 250 gr beef mince there ..also  black grape and black plum at the bazaar.. there was  autumn fruits in the  district bazaar.  

           I saw the Grunwald monument in the square Matejko.  First of all  I couldn't match it to any object or event in my memory. I browsed the internet pages to learn somethings.  According to I read, there was a historical event in Grunwald on 15 July 1410 .  The Poland kingdom and Grand Duchy of Lithuania fought against Teutonic Knights. A monument was erected  in memory of Grunwald war 500th anniversary here in 1910.  During the occupation of Germans this monument  destroyed by Nazis and reconstructed in 1976. Atop of monument the king of Poland,  Władysław II Jagiełło.. At the southern side of monument,   master of Teutonic Knights  Ulrich von Jungingen lies as be defeated below the king of Lithuania Vytautas. 

This monument and its story is like a brief of  history of hostility between  Poland and German.
            Krakow has quite useful public transportation network. İntercity train and bus terminals are in the center of city where was a big mall beside  it. When you  are waiting  the departure time of cars you can browse stores shopwindow, besides, free wi-fi...

        After spending two nights at the apartment of Anna, I was moved to "Art Studios by Loft Affair" in 23 October in Krakow. First of all I should say nice words about this studio. It was very modern, clean and has so many equipment that what you want to look for there.  By the way, I paid 119 euros for three night, per night  40 euros. It was much more close to old town and main intercity terminals. 

Barbican was an old build that was on front of me everyday while going to Rynek Glowny from the apartment. I read about it that was an fortified outpost of Krakow city againts invaders. It was build around 1498.  The openings on the wall on the up were battlements used by archers. 

Birkenau concentration and extermination camp....  was build by Nazis.  In the beginning of my journey, Auscwicz- Birkenau was one of reason for visiting Krakow. I got in the minibus early morning to go to Auschwitz in the main bus terminal in Krakow.  These concentration and extermination camps were build, used  by Nazis in 1940-1945 near Oswiecim town where far from Krakow about 68 km. Arrival time was more than one hour by minibus.  Beceause the roads between intercities  in Polland are generaly one line. Therefor cars  have  only limited speed on the roads, around 60-70km.

If you want to visit Auschwitz camp area and museum  without no paying any money that require to wait until afternoon, 15.00 but Birkenau was free. I too first of all  changed my visit plan and went to Birkenau by free shuttle that is far from Auscwhwitz only about 3 km. 

Everyone learned what carried trains that was on the rails. You can face the darkness face of humanity here. The thing that is weird , people keep to follow, support authoritarian regimes in a lot of countries nowadays either. unfortunately...

The brick stove was heated the barracks..

According to I read on the information plate in front of barack, Germans had built  barracks as in the similar structure of horse barns. No window  , only there  are  smal openings at the top of roof and each one of wooden barrack had 400 people capacity.   

The Auschwicz- Birkenau was vast ,346 acres, with 300 barracks, and other buildings , around 16 km wire of barbed , 4 gas chambers with crematoiums. 

While the camp buildings were from wooden  in Birkenau, they were from brick in Auschwitz and two floors.

After completed to visiting Birkenau camp, I returned back, Auschwitz by free shuttle. Honestly , I was tired while walking along camp surround in Birkenau. It wouldn't be appropriate to return back, Krakow,  without seing the remarkable writing on the main entrance of Auschwitz " ARBEİT MACHT FREİ". What can be said against the approach of Nazis? 

I spent full a day for visiting Auschwitz -Birkenau. I didn't have to look for the stop of bus that going to Krakow city center from the Auschwitz. The bus stop was in front of main entrance to Auschwitz camp area, about 100 meters. I thought once more time in such so beautiful nature why people tortured and killed others....  while I was returning back to Krakow. I am not sure somethings changed nowadays.
Another day, 25 October in Rynek Glowny, in front of Cloth Hall.. 

It was one of rarely resting time of me  while tasting a slice sweet cake in a cafe..
Today, I wanted to see the ghetto neighborhood, in Krakow.  Kazimierz was a district that Jewish and Polish coexited along so many centuries. ın 1941, after occupation, Jewish forcibly relocated by Germans at the other side of Vistula river, Podgorze district.
Before my visit Krakow around two weeks, , an unexpected attack launched against community in Israel in 7th October 2023 by Palestinians, Hamas leadership. The photos of victims of attack had left on chairs by local activists, they were young or old. 
I have to indicate while writing this text that didn't remain any sturdy structure as stand up in Gaza territory and more than 28 thousand Arab had been killed (24.02.2023).

There is a small square in Podgorze district where is near Vistula river almost 150 meters. This ground is organized with bronze chairs for memory  local Jewish that majority of them no survived during life in ghetto... As like  shoes next to Tuna river, in front of parliament building in Budapest.

There is a small store in the corner of intersection two street that at the same time looking to small square. Pharmacist Tadeusz Pankiewicz's store.
Tadeusz Pankiewicz was  only one of  pharmacist that remained in ghetto zone had permissed by Nazis. Others pharmacists had accepted relocating  to other districts of Krakow that Nazis offered. Tadeusz Pankiewicz's store became a meeting point of intelligent and activists. He was a catolic Polish and died in 1993. He was recognized " Righteouse Among The Nations" by Yad Vashem

I didn't use public transportation to go to visit somewhere at all. Podgorze is relatively close to Rynek Glowny and my accommodation place.

Finally! I discovered the wall that remained from the ghetto period in Podgorze district by chance. A tourist group  was looking at the wall. 
A curved form of top of wall was already reflecting a special character than other structures there.. There was only a plate on the wall that had been writen in Jewish and Polish. The plate  should have been in Russian  at least! I could have read..

I came across by chance with Jewish Community Center in Kazimierz district. In another close building was using as a book and souvenir store.

Old synagogue of Krakow.. It was evening hours.. I saw a few people that entering and going outside to there . Probably time was pray. 

 The end of Krakow travel.

My travel days in Krakow was completed. Returning house has been via Bratislava again. I should indicate  once more the modernity of the Bratislava bus terminal  which is under the Nivy Tower.


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